LubriBelt / WalkingBeltLube.
Treadmill Lubricant: ( 2 oz. ) Treadmill All Models
Treadmills are some of the best indoor exercise machines currently available on the market. While many homes are found to already have a treadmill in ownership, it is purely astounding to find out how many of these families do not know how to properly care for their treadmills in order to keep them in the best working condition, possible. One of the most basic items that should be used on a treadmill is treadmill lubricant. Treadmill lubricant does not necessary require users to apply it to their treadmill belts on a constant basis. Our 100% silicone base treadmill lubricant can last you anywhere from 10-18 months after being applied. The simple use of lubricant on your treadmill will increase the life and productivity of your unit.
There are many different types of treadmill lubricant, which can be overwhelming when you are looking to purchase the correct one for your treadmill. If you are having difficulty locating the best treadmill lubricant to use on your treadmill, then you certainly came to the right place. After many years of catering to commercial and residential customers, we consider our 100% silicone base lubricant will give you the best lubrication for your unit.
“High-Quality Treadmill Lubricant – 100% Silicone“